It has began. Second round of treatment.

In addition to the Lyme bacteria, now we’re treating for the malaria like bacteria, and few other infections in the body. I dreaded this sooo much yesterday. I laid in bed until 11 am, only to realize that I must do it no matter what. I must confront the very thing I dreaded. God gave me a nice gift to help me start the process:) My brother Alin called and we talked for couple hours and I got encouraged.

Am inceput al doilea tratament ieri. D-zeu ma ajutat in a incepe prin telefonul fratelui meu Alin. Dupa doua ore de conversatie am fost incurajata:)

3 thoughts on “It has began. Second round of treatment.

  1. Amin!!! Carmen ma doare sa te vad ca te simti Asa! Dar eu ma rog pt tine!!!!
    Ma uit la tine si esti o femeie tanara, Mai tanara decat varsta pe care o ai , esti frumoasa,luminoasa si da!!! Se va sfarsi!!!!!! Esti in inima si rugaciunile mele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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